About this Site


It is website sending charm of agriculture and forestry fishery that is fresh, and is run in security, reliable agriculture and forestry fishery products and Tokyo of Tokyo to home and abroad widely.


The contents of this website are the copyright of the Tokyo Development Foundation for Agricultural, Forestry, and Fisheries (the “Foundation”). However, where information included has a copyright holder other than the Foundation, it is the copyright of each copyright holder respectively. Reproduction, conversion, redistribution, electromagnetic processing, transmission, transfer, lending, secondary use, and all other similar acts are strictly prohibited with regard to the use of copyrighted materials on this website, whether for commercial or non-commercial use, without the permission of the Foundation.

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  • Entrance and other fees shown on this website are for an adult. As a general rule, prices shown are inclusive of consumption tax. As a general rule, year-end, New Year’s, Obon, and Golden Week holidays are omitted from indications of days that an establishment is regularly closed. As a general rule, hours of operation are from opening to closing, unless specified otherwise. Note that last orders and last admittance is usually 30 – 60 minutes before closing. As transit information is subject to change due to natural disasters, season, and other factors, please check with each transit agency when going out.

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The Foundation abides by the following policy when handling personally identifiable information such as names, email addresses, and telephone numbers (“personal information”).

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TOKYOGROWN SNS account policy

We send information to place in "TOKYOGROWN" which is fresh, and is security, reliable agriculture and forestry fishery products and website sending charm of agriculture and forestry fishery run in Tokyo to home and abroad widely of Tokyo and the related information in TOKYOGROWNSNS page (the following, "this page"). In this way, we promote information dispatch to general mobile user utilizing a lot of SNS and plan cooperation with website.

accounts are as follows each. We ask a favor having the wrong so that there is not.
2Basic policy in this page operation
  • 本ページは、公益財団法人東京都農林水産振興財団 地産地消推進課 地産地消食育係が運用します。
  • In this page, we post about information to place in TOKYO GROWN and information in conjunction with agriculture and forestry fishery of Tokyo.
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  • 本アカウントでは、国、地方公共団体、公共性の高い機関、その他東京の農林水産業の情報発信に資するアカウント等について、必要に応じてシェア、フォロー、リツイートをします。
3Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights about all information (text, image) publishing in this page belong to Tokyo agriculture and forestry fisheries promotion foundation (they say "our foundation" as follows.) or original work author. Other than case that admitted at our foundation when it is detected in Copyright Act including "reproduction for the personal use" and "quotation" about the use of publication book of this page regardless of
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5Use of Cookies
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  • We do not take responsibility for all about the damage that user or third party took by trouble between users where we occurred in conjunction with this page or trouble between user and third party.
  • About any damage that we occurred by matter in conjunction with this page, we do not take all responsibility.
6About change of operational policy
We may change operational policy of this page without notice.

Use of Cookies

We use cookie as reference to improve user booby tea by grasping the use situation of this website in some contents of this website.

1With cookie (Cookie)
Cookie is function letting you memorize information that user read this website in computer (or apparatuses which can connect with Internet such as smartphone or tablet) of the user. We can acquire information such as the website visit number of times of computer or page that we visited by using cookie. In addition, "information that can distinguish user individual" is not included in information to collect through cookie at all. In addition, we can invalidate function of cookie by setting of browser of user. Reading of this website does not have any problem even if we invalidate function of cookie.
・Google Analytics:お客様のWebサイトの利用状況分析ツール
3About the use of Google Analytics
  • We use Google Analytics which is service that Google Corporation provides to grasp this website use situation on this website. Google Analytics analyzes the use situation of this website using cookie which our foundation issues. Our foundation receives the analysis (including Google Analytic report about user attribute and interest category) from Google Corporation and grasps the visit situation of this website of user.
  • Information to distinguish authorized individual is not included in collection, record, information of analyzed user at all by Google Analytics. In addition, those information is managed based on privacy policy of the company by Google Corporation. Look at site of the company about explanation about privacy policy of Google Corporation about explanation about Terms of Use of Google Analytics in site of Google Analytics.
    Google Analytics Terms of Service
    Google Privacy Policy
  • We download "Google Analytics opto-out adding on" in downloading page of opto-out adding on by Google Corporation and invalid setting of Google Analytics installs and is possible by changing adding on setting of browser. In addition, when invalidity sets Google Analytics, Google Analytics becomes invalid on website except this website that user visits, but user can validate Google Analytics again by user resetting adding on of browser.
    Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

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